Individual Meetings
In an individual meeting the Ombuds will work with you to: listen to your issue or concern; provide you a neutral perspective; brainstorm and evaluate possible paths and strategies toward resolving your issue; identify relevant policies and resources that might be helpful to you, and offer coaching on how you might move forward. Whether you are experiencing a conflict or issue or assisting others who are experiencing a conflict or concern, the Ombuds is available to assist you.
Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process involving two or more participants who work together with the Ombuds, a trained impartial facilitator, who helps frame and guide the process. In mediation, participants have an opportunity to present their points of view; to be heard fully; to explore each other’s perspectives; to gain better clarity on the underlying needs and interests, and to collaborate together in generating and weighing possible paths toward resolution. Read FAQ’s on mediation with the Ombuds.
Group Facilitation
The Ombuds Office provides group facilitation services to help guide diverse groups through complex discussions and decision-making processes, and to achieve their desired goals, such as addressing climate issues, processing change, or managing transition and growth. By leveraging the Ombuds’ expertise in conflict resolution and impartial mediation, the Ombuds helps ensure that all voices are heard and that conversations remain productive and respectful. Group facilitation can be tailored to the needs of your particular group, or the particular issues you are seeking to address.
Trainings & Workshops
The Ombuds Office offers a variety of workshops and training designed to help improve conflict management and communication skills. These trainings typically delve into techniques for managing your emotions in conflict, active listening skills, and other communication techniques to manage disputes and engage in challenging conversations more constructively. The ultimate goal being to foster an environment where conflicts are addressed proactively and communication barriers are minimized.The Ombuds is happy to work with you to tailor a training appropriate to your group’s needs.
Climate Surveys
The Ombuds Office is available to help departments, workgroups and labs conduct confidential climate surveys. This can include confidential interviews with members of the group and/or distributing a confidential written survey in a way that provides confidentiality to the individuals’ completing the survey. The Ombuds works with leaders to design the appropriate process, and at the conclusion of that process provides a verbal or written report of the findings and recommendations regarding what is working well, what is not working well, and what actions might be taken to help address any concerns raised.
To schedule an appointment with the Ombuds to discuss any of the services above, please email or call 650.497.1542.