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Request Assistance

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If you need assistance from the Ombuds, whether to schedule an individual meeting or request a workshop, mediation or group facilitation, please email or call 650.497.1542 to schedule an appointment. 

The Ombuds will be back in touch to schedule a 45-60 minute confidential meeting to discuss your concerns or questions and explore options for addressing them. 

If you are:

  • with the School of Medicine please contact the SOM Ombuds. Our office serves faculty, staff, students and postdocs from all schools and centers other than the School of Medicine. Please also note that neither Ombuds serves community members unaffiliated with Stanford, nor staff or patients in Stanford hospitals or outpatient clinics. 
  • a patient or family member with a concern regarding the Stanford hospital or a Stanford outpatient clinic, please reach out to Stanford Medicine Health Care Patient Relations
  • a Stanford alum with a concern, please contact the Stanford Alumni Association.
  • a member of the community who wishes to report concerns about possible violations of policies, regulations or laws, please contact the Compliance and Ethics Helpline.


Sunset view from Stanford Campus

Thank you so much for our meeting last week. Your perspective has been incredibly helpful in coming up with appropriate responses to my situation. Most importantly, I feel like my feet are on solid ground again. I can’t thank you enough. I’m not good with conflict, and have few tools. I feel much better equipped after our conversation.